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Код: ART120 Артбук The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind: Prima Collector's Edition Guide [ USA IMPORT ]
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Кешбек: 17.50 грн
Производитель: Dark Horse Comics
Количество на складе: 0
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Includes a Rufous Mudcrab pet DLC! Explore Morrowind with the Rufous Mudcrab! This faithful pet will be by your side as you explore all corners of Tamriel.
27" x 27" Vvardenfell Map Poster: Features all important locales and resources.
Concept Art Gallery: Striking images of the new expansion.
Foreword from the Developer: A message to fans.
An Atlas of Vvardenfell: From the shores of the Bitter Coast to the hills of the Grazelands, every major point of interest is called out and cataloged for your reference. A true travel guide for the Morrowind expansion!
Character Builds: Hints and advice on constructing effective characters for your adventures in Vvardenfell. Featuring the new class—The Warden.
Adventuring Tips and Tutorials: Helpful overviews and information for new and returning players concerning leveling, attack rotations, crafting, and much more!
New Stories and Quests: Maps with walkthroughs that pinpoint and describe how to complete all of the new quests and storylines contained in the Morrowind expansion.
Free Mobile-Friendly eGuide: Includes access to interactive maps! Use the enhanced eGuide for strategy on the go, all optimized for a second-screen experience.
27" x 27" Vvardenfell Map Poster: Features all important locales and resources.
Concept Art Gallery: Striking images of the new expansion.
Foreword from the Developer: A message to fans.
An Atlas of Vvardenfell: From the shores of the Bitter Coast to the hills of the Grazelands, every major point of interest is called out and cataloged for your reference. A true travel guide for the Morrowind expansion!
Character Builds: Hints and advice on constructing effective characters for your adventures in Vvardenfell. Featuring the new class—The Warden.
Adventuring Tips and Tutorials: Helpful overviews and information for new and returning players concerning leveling, attack rotations, crafting, and much more!
New Stories and Quests: Maps with walkthroughs that pinpoint and describe how to complete all of the new quests and storylines contained in the Morrowind expansion.
Free Mobile-Friendly eGuide: Includes access to interactive maps! Use the enhanced eGuide for strategy on the go, all optimized for a second-screen experience.
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4200.00 грн
3500.00 грн
Кешбек: 17.50 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: Неограничено
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Импорт (Америка). Доставка от 8 до 16 дней
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC (August 11, 2020)
Language : English
Paperback : 560 pages
ISBN-10 : 1974711099
ISBN-13 : 978-1974711093
Item Weight : 5.47 pounds
Dimensions : 9.25 x 2 x 11.69 inches
Dive into this monstrously massive compendium and explore all of the hunting fields, monsters, weaponry and lore that turned Capcom’s beloved Monster Hunter franchise into a global hit!
Monster Hunter: World is one of the biggest games to release in years, and an epic game deserves an epic book! Explore the world of Monster Hunter firsthand with detailed commentary from the producers, beautiful reproductions of designs and concept art, spotlights on the weapons you can forge, and a trek through the story of the game—from the moment the Fifth Fleet made landfall in the New World all the way through the end of their hunt for Zorah Magdaros and their investigation of the Elder Crossing!
Language : English
Paperback : 560 pages
ISBN-10 : 1974711099
ISBN-13 : 978-1974711093
Item Weight : 5.47 pounds
Dimensions : 9.25 x 2 x 11.69 inches
Dive into this monstrously massive compendium and explore all of the hunting fields, monsters, weaponry and lore that turned Capcom’s beloved Monster Hunter franchise into a global hit!
Monster Hunter: World is one of the biggest games to release in years, and an epic game deserves an epic book! Explore the world of Monster Hunter firsthand with detailed commentary from the producers, beautiful reproductions of designs and concept art, spotlights on the weapons you can forge, and a trek through the story of the game—from the moment the Fifth Fleet made landfall in the New World all the way through the end of their hunt for Zorah Magdaros and their investigation of the Elder Crossing!
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3200.00 грн
2800.00 грн
Кешбек: 14.00 грн
Производитель: 3dtotal Publishing
Количество на складе: 1
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC (October 13, 2020)
Language : English
Hardcover : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 1974717356
ISBN-13 : 978-1974717354
Item Weight : 3.92 pounds
Dimensions : 10 x 1 x 11.25 inches
Magnificent hardcover art books featuring the incredible images and lore of Magic: The Gathering®!
Danger and adventure await in these pages, lavishly illustrated with the award-winning art of Magic: The Gathering®!
“Even gods shall kneel.”
—Nicol Bolas
Centuries of scheming have come to fruition at last. Meet Nicol Bolas: Elder dragon, Planeswalker, God-Pharaoh. He is the ultimate mastermind, whose plots for domination twist through the histories of countless worlds. Now those plots culminate on the shattered streets of Ravnica, with undead armies marching at his command and dozens of Planeswalkers marshaled to oppose him. In these lavishly illustrated pages, featuring art carefully chosen from more than two decades of Magic: The Gathering®, the full scope of Nicol Bolas’s plans is revealed at last.
It has all led to this. The greatest heroes of the Multiverse make their stand against the ultimate villain in the War of the Spark!
Language : English
Hardcover : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 1974717356
ISBN-13 : 978-1974717354
Item Weight : 3.92 pounds
Dimensions : 10 x 1 x 11.25 inches
Magnificent hardcover art books featuring the incredible images and lore of Magic: The Gathering®!
Danger and adventure await in these pages, lavishly illustrated with the award-winning art of Magic: The Gathering®!
“Even gods shall kneel.”
—Nicol Bolas
Centuries of scheming have come to fruition at last. Meet Nicol Bolas: Elder dragon, Planeswalker, God-Pharaoh. He is the ultimate mastermind, whose plots for domination twist through the histories of countless worlds. Now those plots culminate on the shattered streets of Ravnica, with undead armies marching at his command and dozens of Planeswalkers marshaled to oppose him. In these lavishly illustrated pages, featuring art carefully chosen from more than two decades of Magic: The Gathering®, the full scope of Nicol Bolas’s plans is revealed at last.
It has all led to this. The greatest heroes of the Multiverse make their stand against the ultimate villain in the War of the Spark!
Код: SAM-215 The Elder Scrolls. Офіційна кулінарна книга
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750.00 грн
670.00 грн
Кешбек: 3.35 грн
Производитель: MAL’OPUS
Количество на складе: 0
Срок поставки: Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Автор Челсі Монро-Кассел
Видавництво MAL'OPUS
Рік видання 2023
Палітурка тверда
ISBN 9786177756742
Кількість сторінок 192
Мова українська
Розмір 210 х 260 мм
Категорії Кулінарія. Напої Подарункові видання. Альбоми Новинки Non-fiction
Скуштуйте смачні страви зі Скайриму, Морровінду та всього Тамрієлю — приготувати їх вам допоможе ця кулінарна книга, присвячена легендарній серії відеоігор The Elder Scrolls.
Познайомтеся з розмаїттям кухні нордів, босмерів, хаджитів та безліччю інших рецептів, що були знайдені на теренах Старого Королівства, Тамрієлю та в інших місцинах. У книзі ви знайдете понад 60 рецептів апетитних страв, які впізнає кожен фанат «Древніх сувоїв»: яблучно-капустяна юшка, сонцесяйне суфле, солодка бабка і ще багато інших. Офіційна кулінарна книга за мотивами всесвіту The Elder Scrolls потішить кожного голодного Драконородженого
Видавництво MAL'OPUS
Рік видання 2023
Палітурка тверда
ISBN 9786177756742
Кількість сторінок 192
Мова українська
Розмір 210 х 260 мм
Категорії Кулінарія. Напої Подарункові видання. Альбоми Новинки Non-fiction
Скуштуйте смачні страви зі Скайриму, Морровінду та всього Тамрієлю — приготувати їх вам допоможе ця кулінарна книга, присвячена легендарній серії відеоігор The Elder Scrolls.
Познайомтеся з розмаїттям кухні нордів, босмерів, хаджитів та безліччю інших рецептів, що були знайдені на теренах Старого Королівства, Тамрієлю та в інших місцинах. У книзі ви знайдете понад 60 рецептів апетитних страв, які впізнає кожен фанат «Древніх сувоїв»: яблучно-капустяна юшка, сонцесяйне суфле, солодка бабка і ще багато інших. Офіційна кулінарна книга за мотивами всесвіту The Elder Scrolls потішить кожного голодного Драконородженого
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