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Худи «Howl's Moving Castle» [Morze Pulsar] v 1
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4200.00 грн
3500.00 грн
Кешбек: 17.50 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: 1
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Publisher : Titan Books (April 4, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 144 pages
ISBN-10 : 1803363525
ISBN-13 : 978-1803363523
Item Weight : 1.89 pounds
Dimensions : 8.58 x 0.82 x 11.49 inches
Create 40 delicious dishes from your favourite Studio Ghibli films!
40 recipes inspired by the masterpieces of Studio Ghibli: My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle... Dive into the dreamlike worlds of these animated films and enjoy the recipes created by Thibaud Villanova, a specialist in the cuisine of the imagination.
Language : English
Hardcover : 144 pages
ISBN-10 : 1803363525
ISBN-13 : 978-1803363523
Item Weight : 1.89 pounds
Dimensions : 8.58 x 0.82 x 11.49 inches
Create 40 delicious dishes from your favourite Studio Ghibli films!
40 recipes inspired by the masterpieces of Studio Ghibli: My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle... Dive into the dreamlike worlds of these animated films and enjoy the recipes created by Thibaud Villanova, a specialist in the cuisine of the imagination.
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95.00 грн
80.00 грн
Кешбек: 0.40 грн
Производитель: Pulsar Group LTD
Количество на складе: Неограничено
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Великолепный недорогой скетчбук, на обложке которого ваш любимый арт из аниме, комиксов или кинофильмов!
Внутри чистые, плотные листы белого цвета для ваших рисунков, скетчей и просто заметок.
Обложка из твердого матового картона!
80 листов
Внутри чистые, плотные листы белого цвета для ваших рисунков, скетчей и просто заметок.
Обложка из твердого матового картона!
80 листов
0 Отзывов

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650.00 грн
550.00 грн
Кешбек: 2.75 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: 0
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Age Range: 12 - 17 years
Grade Level: 3 - 4
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC (September 6, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500922
ISBN-13: 978-1421500928
Sophie thinks of herself as plain and boring, especially compared to her vivacious younger sister Lettie. Sophie expects to spend the rest of her life quietly making hats in the back room of her family's shop, but as her country prepares for war, she is forced to set out on an extraordinary adventure!
Sophie’s excitement continues as she takes up the position of cleaning lady in Howl’s Moving Castle. She soon finds herself at home and making friends with the demon in the fireplace and even the moody Howl. And while horrors of war are edging closer and the magicians of the kingdom turn themselves into terrible monsters to fight the enemy, Sophie finds that what she really needs to fear is Howl’s bathroom!
Grade Level: 3 - 4
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC (September 6, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500922
ISBN-13: 978-1421500928
Sophie thinks of herself as plain and boring, especially compared to her vivacious younger sister Lettie. Sophie expects to spend the rest of her life quietly making hats in the back room of her family's shop, but as her country prepares for war, she is forced to set out on an extraordinary adventure!
Sophie’s excitement continues as she takes up the position of cleaning lady in Howl’s Moving Castle. She soon finds herself at home and making friends with the demon in the fireplace and even the moody Howl. And while horrors of war are edging closer and the magicians of the kingdom turn themselves into terrible monsters to fight the enemy, Sophie finds that what she really needs to fear is Howl’s bathroom!
0 Отзывов

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560.00 грн
450.00 грн
Кешбек: 2.25 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: 0
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Age Range: 12 - 17 years
Grade Level: 1 - 2
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC (August 2, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500914
ISBN-13: 978-1421500911
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 7.1 inches
Sophie thinks of herself as plain and boring, especially compared to her vivacious younger sister Lettie. Sophie expects to spend the rest of her life quietly making hats in the back room of her family's shop, but as her country prepares for war, she is forced to set out on an extraordinary adventure!
After a escaping the unwanted attentions of some bored soldiers with the help of a handsome stranger, Sophie returns home only to be accosted by the infamous Witch of the Waste! The Witch lays a curse on her, turning Sophie into a creaky old woman. Sophie knows she has to leave town, and soon finds herself taking shelter in the moving castle of the dread wizard Howl…who is rumored to eat women’s hearts!
Grade Level: 1 - 2
Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC (August 2, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500914
ISBN-13: 978-1421500911
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 7.1 inches
Sophie thinks of herself as plain and boring, especially compared to her vivacious younger sister Lettie. Sophie expects to spend the rest of her life quietly making hats in the back room of her family's shop, but as her country prepares for war, she is forced to set out on an extraordinary adventure!
After a escaping the unwanted attentions of some bored soldiers with the help of a handsome stranger, Sophie returns home only to be accosted by the infamous Witch of the Waste! The Witch lays a curse on her, turning Sophie into a creaky old woman. Sophie knows she has to leave town, and soon finds herself taking shelter in the moving castle of the dread wizard Howl…who is rumored to eat women’s hearts!
0 Отзывов

В наличии
2628.45 грн
2200.00 грн
Кешбек: 11.00 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: 1
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Age Range: 11 - 14 years
Grade Level: 2 - 3
Series: Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book
Hardcover: 184 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC; 1st edition (October 11, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500906
ISBN-13: 978-1421500904
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.7 x 10.1 inches
Add Howl's Moving Castle to this list of must-have movie books. Director Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and his films have all become classics of animation. There's no better way to preserve the magic of Howl and his flying castle than by adding this delightful volume to your home library.
Earlier this year, VIZ Media released The Art of Howl's Moving Castle, a hardbound, prestige format book which exists as an essential companion to Hayao Miyazaki's latest animated classic.
To further complement the movie-going experience, we are now proud to present the Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book, a companion publication wedding scene-by-scene film footage with character dialogue in one handsome volume.
Based on the young-adult novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle reflects on a wondrous time when science and magic captured the spirit of 19th century Europe.
The story of Howl's Moving Castle is the story of a young girl who is magically transformed into a 90-year-old woman. Undaunted by this curse, her continuing adventures introduce her to the vainglorious wizard Howl and his curious castlemates.
Two years ago, VIZ Media released a similar book inspired by Spirited Away, the movie which garnered an Academy Award for director Hayao Miyazaki. Another picture book for My Neighbor Totoro is planned for later this year.
Now, add Howl's Moving Castle to this list of must-have movie books. Director Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and his films have all become classics of animation. There's no better way to preserve the magic of Howl and his flying castle than by adding this delightful volume to your home library.
Grade Level: 2 - 3
Series: Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book
Hardcover: 184 pages
Publisher: VIZ Media LLC; 1st edition (October 11, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1421500906
ISBN-13: 978-1421500904
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.7 x 10.1 inches
Add Howl's Moving Castle to this list of must-have movie books. Director Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and his films have all become classics of animation. There's no better way to preserve the magic of Howl and his flying castle than by adding this delightful volume to your home library.
Earlier this year, VIZ Media released The Art of Howl's Moving Castle, a hardbound, prestige format book which exists as an essential companion to Hayao Miyazaki's latest animated classic.
To further complement the movie-going experience, we are now proud to present the Howl's Moving Castle Picture Book, a companion publication wedding scene-by-scene film footage with character dialogue in one handsome volume.
Based on the young-adult novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle reflects on a wondrous time when science and magic captured the spirit of 19th century Europe.
The story of Howl's Moving Castle is the story of a young girl who is magically transformed into a 90-year-old woman. Undaunted by this curse, her continuing adventures introduce her to the vainglorious wizard Howl and his curious castlemates.
Two years ago, VIZ Media released a similar book inspired by Spirited Away, the movie which garnered an Academy Award for director Hayao Miyazaki. Another picture book for My Neighbor Totoro is planned for later this year.
Now, add Howl's Moving Castle to this list of must-have movie books. Director Hayao Miyazaki is a master storyteller and his films have all become classics of animation. There's no better way to preserve the magic of Howl and his flying castle than by adding this delightful volume to your home library.
Код: BOOKR-143 Книга на русском языке "Ходячий замок"
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295.00 грн
200.00 грн
Кешбек: 1.00 грн
Производитель: Азбука-Аттикус
Количество на складе: 0
Срок поставки: Доставка по Украине. Товар будет доставлен в течении 1-3 дней
Ориг.название Howl's Moving Castle
Автор Диана Уинн Джонс
Формат издания 130х200 мм (средний формат)
Количество страниц 448
Год выпуска 2016
ISBN 978-5-389-02467-0
Тираж 5000
Издательства Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
Переводчик Анастасия Бродоцкая
Переплет Твердый переплет
Язык издания Русский
Тип издания Отдельное издание
Вес в упаковке, г 407
Книги английской писательницы Дианы У.Джонс настолько ярки, что так и просятся на экран. По ее бестселлеру "Ходячий замок" знаменитый мультипликатор Хаяо Миядзаки ("Унесенные призраками"), обладатель "Золотого льва" - высшей награды Венецианского фестиваля, снял анимационный фильм, побивший в Японии рекорд кассовых сборов. Софи живет в сказочной стране, где ведьмы и русалки, семимильные сапоги и говорящие собаки - обычное дело. Поэтому, когда на нее обрушивается ужасное проклятие коварной Болотной Ведьмы, Софи ничего не остается, как обратиться за помощью к таинственному чародею Хоулу, обитающему в Ходячем замке. Однако, чтобы освободиться от чар, Софи предстоит разгадать немало загадок и прожить в замке у Хоула гораздо дольше, чем она рассчитывала. А для этого нужно подружиться с огненным демоном, поймать падающую звезду, подслушать пение русалок, отыскать мандрагору и многое, многое другое.
Автор Диана Уинн Джонс
Формат издания 130х200 мм (средний формат)
Количество страниц 448
Год выпуска 2016
ISBN 978-5-389-02467-0
Тираж 5000
Издательства Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
Переводчик Анастасия Бродоцкая
Переплет Твердый переплет
Язык издания Русский
Тип издания Отдельное издание
Вес в упаковке, г 407
Книги английской писательницы Дианы У.Джонс настолько ярки, что так и просятся на экран. По ее бестселлеру "Ходячий замок" знаменитый мультипликатор Хаяо Миядзаки ("Унесенные призраками"), обладатель "Золотого льва" - высшей награды Венецианского фестиваля, снял анимационный фильм, побивший в Японии рекорд кассовых сборов. Софи живет в сказочной стране, где ведьмы и русалки, семимильные сапоги и говорящие собаки - обычное дело. Поэтому, когда на нее обрушивается ужасное проклятие коварной Болотной Ведьмы, Софи ничего не остается, как обратиться за помощью к таинственному чародею Хоулу, обитающему в Ходячем замке. Однако, чтобы освободиться от чар, Софи предстоит разгадать немало загадок и прожить в замке у Хоула гораздо дольше, чем она рассчитывала. А для этого нужно подружиться с огненным демоном, поймать падающую звезду, подслушать пение русалок, отыскать мандрагору и многое, многое другое.
0 Отзывов

В наличии
4200.00 грн
3500.00 грн
Кешбек: 17.50 грн
Производитель: Viz Media
Количество на складе: Неограничено
Срок поставки: [Предоплата] Импорт (Америка). Доставка от 8 до 16 дней
This companion to the film has a generous collection of concept sketches, fully rendered character and background drawings, paintings and cell images. Along with visuals, the book also presents interviews and comments with the production staff, including key points from the director.
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