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Артбук «Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy» [USA IMPORT]

Код: ART288
  • Series: Beginner's Guide
    Paperback: 224 pages
    Publisher: 3DTotal Publishing (August 30, 2016)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 1909414352
    ISBN-13: 978-1909414358
    Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.7 x 11.6 inches

    The Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting Techniques in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy is a step-by-step guide exploring the fundamental aspects of the two most popular genres in digital art. With a methodical approach which makes using Photoshop accessible for readers who are new to the software, this guide provides a comprehensive introduction to how the interface can be used to create a number of impressive sci-fi and fantasy artworks.

    Experienced digital art industry professionals including Victor Mosquera, Joseba Alexander, and Caroline Gariba demonstrate in manageable portions how anyone can create dramatic, imaginative scenes. Packed full of useful tips, techniques, and detailed descriptions of how to use Photoshop tools, this guide is essential reading for any aspiring digital artist or fan of sci-fi and fantasy art. The book covers the key fundamental aspects of creating sci-fi and fantasy art including how to design a dynamic composition, develop an accurate sense of perspective, and use color and light effects to enhance the mood of a painting. Readers will also be able to put their new skills into practice with twelve fun, stimulating projects presented by a range of professional artists. An inspirational gallery including works in progress and a quick tips section for painting the indispensible elements of sci-fi and fantasy art makes an excellent launch pad for the reader's own original creations.

    Instructive and inspirational, Beginner's Guide to Digital Painting in Photoshop: Sci-fi and Fantasy is an exemplary resource for anyone taking their first step into the digital painting world.
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