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Артбук «Zawa Zawa: Treasured Art Works of Ashley Wood (Japanese Edition)» [УЦІНКА]

Код: SALE4
  • Item Weight : 1.45 pounds
    ISBN-10 : 4756246567
    Tankobon Softcover : 224 pages
    ISBN-13 : 978-4756246561
    Product Dimensions : 7.1 x 0.9 x 8.3 inches
    Publisher : PIE International; Bilingual edition (August 4, 2020)
    Language: : Japanese

    About Ashley Wood’s digital oil paintings:
    First he draws a sketch with a thick black marker. Then he scans the sketch and draws it digitally. Then he prints it out on a large canvas and does the oil painting on top of the print-out. After scanning the oil painting, he adjusts the details digitally. He does this several times until he feels the art work is finished. This combination of oil painting and digital drawing is the foundation of his iconic style and is respected from many artists around the world.
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Виробник: 3dtotal Publishing
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